Jared and I have decided that the kids only get birthday parties on their odd number birthdays so on the even ones we do something as a family and they can bring a friend. This year Breil wanted his friend Kaden to come. Kaden is in our ward and lives across the street. They have become best buddies so Kaden was, of course, his first choice. We went to see Rango (didnt think it was a kid movie) and went to Cheddars for dinner and dessert. Ella came with us but Harlee stayed behind with a babysitter. The boys had a lot of fun!

The "Cookie Monster"

We also have a little family dinner party every year with my mom and dad, gparents and uncle. That is when they open presents and eat cake. Breil got a DS this year! It was his only gift and I got it at Christmas time for super cheap but I know I know, he is spoiled! :)

Happy Birthday B-man! We love you!