Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Easter 2011

We had several things this Easter season. A couple of Egg Hunts, a nice dinner and of course, pictures. The kids had a lot of fun with their pictures this year. Jared is really enjoying shooting them as they have gotten older.

Easter Saturday we went to the Bakers house for an Easter Egg Hunt and bbq. Ella was not with us for this because she went to a college volleyball game in Dallas. I really missed her but the kids did have a lot of fun. Another family, the Masters, came and the Elders stopped by as well! Ready, Set, Hunt!

All the kids with their loads. As you can see from the sky we had some nasty weather coming in so we had to hurry!

Harlee was really old enough this year to finally know what to do on her own.

I think Breil had more fun wrestling and playing ninja than hunting for eggs. He was surrounded by a bunch of boys and loved it!

Harlee racing Elder Thier. I think he raced all the kids.

He must have been exhausted by the end of the evening.

Then, everyone raced. I think Elder Snater won the race!

The play group in our ward had a little egg hunt in one of the neighborhoods. They happened to do it on a day I didnt have class so Harlee and I were able to go. We each brought a dozen eggs so there was plenty for the kids to hunt. Harlee had a blast hunting for eggs with her friends.

McKinley, Emmie and Harlee.

She is on the move!

My pretty girl!

Monday, December 12, 2011

TCU Baseball 4/21/11

We have friends and neighbors across the street and their son Kaden is Breils best buddy. This year Kadens dad had tickets to a TCU baseball game and he invited Jared and Breil to join them at the game. The boys had such a good time!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Spring Volleyball-Baseball (TBall)

This spring Ella played volleyball. She had wanted to play for a couple of years but I thought the 8U meant 8 and older but it meant 8 and under so needless to say she was one of the oldest girls on the team. She LOVED it! She seemed to pick it up pretty quick. And she loves it. This was her first experience with a team sport so I was glad that she really liked it. She cant wait till the next season!

Breil played tball. He has tried basketball, soccer, and now tball. He liked it but he wanted them to let him run more. He wants to play soccer again when this season is over so we dont quite know what his favorite is yet.

Breils 6th birthday! 3/18/11

Jared and I have decided that the kids only get birthday parties on their odd number birthdays so on the even ones we do something as a family and they can bring a friend. This year Breil wanted his friend Kaden to come. Kaden is in our ward and lives across the street. They have become best buddies so Kaden was, of course, his first choice. We went to see Rango (didnt think it was a kid movie) and went to Cheddars for dinner and dessert. Ella came with us but Harlee stayed behind with a babysitter. The boys had a lot of fun!

The "Cookie Monster"

We also have a little family dinner party every year with my mom and dad, gparents and uncle. That is when they open presents and eat cake. Breil got a DS this year! It was his only gift and I got it at Christmas time for super cheap but I know I know, he is spoiled! :)

Happy Birthday B-man! We love you!