Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Easter 2009

Easter Sunday
Harlee has decided she will NOT sit and pose for any pictures. This has become very frustrating for Jared. He decided to sit her there anyway. We figure it still captures the moment (I guess). It was sad though. Ella is on the high end of here size and Harlee is on the small end so this was the first and probably only time they will ever be in matching dresses! Oh well. We tried!
We had a couple of egg hunts over the weekend but this was one of them. The little boy with the red hair is Aidan. He is my cousin. He and Breil have become good buddies lately. Note: Breil is 7 months older than Aido. Bman is a little dude!

Harlee did more aimless wandering than actual hunting but it was still a lot of fun! THis was also the last day she was willing to smile for the camera. Those days are long gone :(


Reid and Brittney said...

So cute!!! Their dresses are adroable. Breil looked so handsome. Looks like they had success with the egg hunt. We need to get together sometime soon.

Jaylene said...

Ah...you've gotta love family pictures. I wonder by the end if it was even worth it. I try to make it fun but end up yelling at the kids to smile...like yelling and threatening is going to make a child smile. Very cute pic nonetheless!